Kaelyn, Emma, & Kenton



We wish all of our family and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We have had a wonderful year. The children are continuing to grow like weeds. We also are blessed to have a new addition to our family coming in January - a little girl. Of course, the girls are excited for a new sister. Kenton doesn't think it will be fair, because there will be more girls than boys. His solution - mom just needs to have another baby right away, so we can have a boy! (mom and dad beg to differ). Kaelyn continues to thrive in school, loves dancing, playing the piano, and of course reading books. She is very excited to be turning eight in January and getting baptized. Kenton loves to play anything that has to do with spiderman, starwars, pirates, or teenage mutant ninja turtles. He has begun reading and enoys finding words he knows on advertisements and books that he sees. Emma is our "little"mommy. She loves playing with all nine of her baby dolls. Just the other day - I caught her putting diaper rash ointment (A&D to be exact) on her babydoll, because she had an owie bumb! Justin is at the tail end of completing his radiology residency. He is in the process of applying for a fellowship in Neuroradiology, which will be 2 years additional training. We are both thrilled that the end is getting closer. As far as Katie goes - well I keep busy being mom. Justin has been great to watch the kids tons lately, so I can get out with friends and keep up on my excercise. I figure I better get in as much as I can before the baby comes.
Justin and I can't express how grateful we are for all that we have been blessed with. We have wonderful parents and siblings, who are always helping and supporting us whenever they can. We have so many great friends that have blessed and continue to bless our family with their love, time, and talents. Thank you all!
Justin, Katie, Kaelyn, Kenton, & Emma
PS: Thanks to our dear friends, David and Courtney, we have these beautiful pictures of our children.