Monday, February 25, 2008


The kids wanted to take pictures with their new sister, Maia. The following photos are the end result of our "fun" photo session on February 25th. Maia has put on a pound or two since our last posting. Mom is producing cream instead of milk these days and Maia has been loving it! She still likes to nurse every 2 hours. Mom is hoping we can stretch it to every three hours very soon (for her sanity's sake). Although, Maia has proven not to be another Emma and has been a very pleasant baby to have around.

Emma tries to hold Maia. Check out Maia's head touching the floor.

Maia trying to lift her head.

1 comment:

Kelsey Carreon said...

wow super updater!! She is so cute how big is she now

Aurora is a whopping 15 lbs almost double her birth weight and 25" (she is our little peanut)